Office Cleaning Services Prevent the Spread of Virus

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As offices gradually reopen, professional office cleaning and disinfecting services Singapore is receiving higher demands for the services they offer. 

In the pursuit of putting their employees’ and clients’ health and safety first, business owners make it a point to hire office cleaning Singapore services regularly. 

Office Cleaning Services Being Offered

Most cleaning companies in Singapore offer an extensive range of services from general cleaning to specialized tasks such as window cleaning and marble floor polishing.

With the persistence of COVID-19, more business owners are demanding deep cleaning services because they value commercial hygiene and cleanliness. Additionally, they want to ensure that all the bacteria from their building premises are removed accordingly to have a safe return to their offices during the new normal. These efforts aim to create a healthy environment where everyone can work without worrying about getting sick or infected. 

Moreover, cleaning companies have added disinfection services to their offerings as an added protective and preventive measure against the spread of viruses.

The Importance of Professional Disinfecting Services

The National Environment Agency (NEA) has shared an environmental cleaning and disinfection guideline to help office cleaners safely and efficiently disinfect office spaces. According to the guideline, commonly touched areas and those that have been exposed to droplets from coughs or sneezes should be properly sanitized since bacteria can linger on these surfaces for at least two to three days. For this reason, different surfaces could be contaminated by the virus when not disinfected properly.

Although it is good practice to engage with regular cleaning services, controlling the spread of a highly contagious virus requires a higher level of control measures provided by professional disinfecting services.

Disinfecting services include spraying a chemical disinfectant mist throughout the different rooms and thorough wiping of all surfaces and office equipment. 

Experts will first survey the premises and provide the necessary risk assessment, disinfection method, and detailed operating procedures. Once an action plan has been developed, the trained staff will proceed with their disinfection services, sanitizing all high-touch points. 

For infected areas or rooms exposed to the virus, experts will employ more specialized methods to target airborne pathogens like ozone exposure to eliminate all viruses. 

Because professional disinfecting services fight against COVID-19 and other deadly viruses, more firms recognize the importance of engaging in this type of service. Moreover, with the risk of further virus mutations, maintaining proper office hygiene and safety is essential. Therefore, companies have scheduled more frequent disinfection services from once a month to as often as twice a week.

Key Considerations When Hiring Office Cleaning Services in Singapore

Since the emergence of the virus last year, the cleaning industry has been thriving. Now, there’s a growing pool of cleaning agencies offering their services for commercial spaces. 

Despite having a wide array of cleaning agencies to choose from, companies must become very particular when hiring office cleaning services. While new companies offer the same set of services, they don’t have the range of expertise and experience established cleaning companies have. For this reason, it’s recommended for companies to hire cleaning agencies with more than ten years of experience in the industry. 

However, before hiring a cleaning agency, here are important questions to consider:

  • What type of treatments will the cleaning company implement to the office space?
  • How long do treatments take?
  • How long will the treatments last?
  • What other cleaning services do they offer to ensure employee’s health and safety?

Asking these questions can give companies a better understanding of the effectiveness of the treatment to ensure optimum workplace safety.


Nowadays, office cleaning and disinfection services have become more important than ever before. This is because they safeguard not only the cleanliness of the workplace but, more importantly, the health and safety of the employees working there. Moreover, with infectious viruses roaming around, companies need to maximize office cleaning services to create an environment conducive to working.

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